Inside a women’s refuge


Every week in the UK, two women are murdered by a partner or ex-partner.In 2019, I was invited to photograph inside a women’s refuge for an article in The Independent on domestic abuse and the impact of austerity cuts on support services. The refuge is a place of safety and resilience — a space where women rebuild their lives after experiencing unimaginable hardship. Through these photographs, I wanted to reflect the strength and solidarity found within the refuge, while respecting the anonymity and safety of those who call it a temporary home. The piece focuses on three women, each with their own story of survival and strength, navigating life after abuse. Refuges provide a vital lifeline, offering protection and support to those escaping violence — but these services are under threat.

Link to the article in The Independent

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, you can contact Refuge’s 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline at 0808 2000 247.